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Eclipse Award Recipient 2021, Nia Robinson

Updated: Oct 20, 2021

Nia Robinson, Youth Eclipse Awardee 2021

Nia Robinson is the daughter of Christopher and Larissa Robinson and the sister of a younger brother named Sheldon. Nia is a seventeen year old Senior at Orange County High School. She has been enrolled in the Orange County School System since kindergarten.

Some of Nia's personal interests include reading, mathematics, and fitness. She loves to exercise. During her earlier years in school Nia was involved in a math challenging game called 24. In the event students are challenged to solve math problems without the aid of pencil and paper. She excelled in this and reached the Regional Level, reaching 2nd Place on three occasions. This event is available for 3rd to 8th graders.

Traveling is another one of Nia's "likes". She likes traveling with family . Some of this travel is connected with Sheldon's connection with sports. Some of the places visited during the summer were Maryland, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Delaware.

Nia is Vice President of the Orange County Chapter of the National Honor Society which has one of it's main goals to promote community involvement among students. Some of her involvements include assisting in setting up the Black Business Expo which was held at the Carver Center in August and volunteering at the Love Outreach Food Pantry. She hopes eventually to become involved in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Field. She foresees a career as a Mathematician or an Analyst.

So far she has applied for entrance in several schools; UVA, Va Tech, Duke, Univ. of PA, just to name a few. Nia is not sitting on the sidelines. She is racing for success and at the same time has a desire to help as many as possible on the way.

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