O’Brian Martin
O'Brian Martin
DECA Inc. International High School Division Executive President
DECA Executive Officer Team
JUST Orange, Lead Youth Ambassador
O'Brian Martin is a 2021 graduate of Orange County High School and is the youngest of two sons of Maria and Claude Martin. His brother Brandon is in the Air Force. O'Brian was born in Manhattan, New York and moved to this area when his family relocated. He attended Orange County Schools from kindergarten through 12th grade.
O'Brian is currently employed by the Culpeper County Police Department in their Community Affairs Division. In addition to that full time job, he is also the International Executive President of DECA, (Distributive Education Clubs of America). DECA is an international co-curricular organization with 225,000 members around the world. This position requires that O'Brian travel throughout the nation to speak with other students in various states and to help as well with securing scholarship funds and recruit for DECA. Because of his involvement, O'Brian has decided to defer his admission to Virginia Tech until the fall of 2022 as he finishes up with his commitment to DECA.
Although he is very busy, O'Brian still tries to stay connected with the Orange County community. He loves Orange County. In his words," Orange has been a great home and community for me". He continues to stay in touch with the high school and is currently planning an event with students and DECA members that will help promote scholarships and help students to stay focused as they plan for higher education.
After completing his BA degree at Virginia Tech, O'Brian would like to go into law enforcement. His dad and several others in his family are in that field and O'Brian says, "It's in his blood". He believes that law enforcement can continue to improve when persons entering in have the right mindset and motives. When that happens everyone wins.
O'Brian enjoys politics and feels that positive change will only take place through engagement and dialogue. His larger dream is to become more involved in the field of politics and serve his community by listening and contributing to the common good as an elected official. A lifetime goal of his is to continuously make life decisions with a career path that might lead to the office of Governor.
O'Brian's message to students currently in school is to soak in those years of high school and to take advantage of the great opportunities when they become available in our schools and community. "Orange County is a community with children that have big dreams. Do not believe that because you are in a small community that you cannot achieve big things. Do not limit yourself or your future because of where you live. You can succeed but it takes setting goals and determination to reach those goals that have been set".